Monday, December 8, 2014

Brick'em Young Temple Brick Set Giveaway

Hi! It's Jilly. Are your kids way into building blocks? We were at a friend's house the other day, and they had one of these Salt Lake City temple sets on display. My kids thought it was so cool! I thought it was pretty awesome, too. (Don't know what a temple is? Here's a little Temple FAQ.)

I asked my friend where she got it from and she told me about this awesome company-- Brick'em Young. Like Brigham Young...ha ha ha!! It is a fairly "young" company. *rimshot* Right now they have the Salt Lake City Temple and the Nauvoo Temple. They will be adding several new temple building sets next year.
This little Angel Moroni is too cute!
Building brick sets are so great for kids' motor skills and imaginations. And, these building sets are great because when they're done building they have a temple to put on display. What a great way to remind the kids where they are aspiring to go! Plus, it is a great conversation starter.

Do you want to get a set for your kiddos for Christmas? Well, guess of you guys can WIN a Brick'em Younger small Salt Lake City temple set!! AND, you can get $5 off the purchase of a set using the code "JILLY". Pretty sweet, huh?! Code expires December 15th, so order right away!

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway. Good luck!

Do your kids love to build? Which temple would you like to see Brick'em Young make next?

a Rafflecopter giveaway