I had the chance to review this cute e-book, "Where Are The Dinos?". The pictures are colorful, and the story has a nice rhythm to it. The author, Julia Dweck, has a great collection of e-books available. E-books are nice to have for those times you are waiting at the doctor's office and need a little distraction that is better than playing Angry Birds. ;)

The story is about a little boy who goes to the zoo and asks the tour guide "Where are the dinos?" It's really cute. I'll let the kiddos tell you the rest. :)
"I like how he kept asking the tour guide all these crazy questions, like if dinosaurs go shopping, swimming, or take breaks. Then the tour guide got mad and yelled, 'They're not here! They're extinct!'. That was funny!"
"Yeah. It was really funny."
"I like how the dinosaur winked."
It was a fun book to read. I like that the end of the book includes little facts about dinosaurs, how to draw a dinosaur, and words to unscramble. I know Michael will use the "Learn 2 Draw" page! He loves to create things!
How would you like to WIN a copy of this book?! Julia is giving away FIVE of them!! How nice is that?!
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And, don't forget to check out the other book I'm reviewing and hosting a giveaway for, as well as all the other great books in the Kid Lit Giveaway Hop!